
Logo - Compass 5.1 (Black Shadow)
Logo - Compass 5.1 (Black Shadow)

North Economics is an economic consultancy specialising in advanced economic data analytics

Based in Canada, North Economics reflects the next generation of consulting that, at its core, embraces advanced data analytics and machine learning. We look for robust economic insights to inform and validate our thinking about the operation of firms, markets, and industries. 

We solve complex problems by combining economic thought with advanced data analytics and machine learning. We can provide deep insights with accessible, practical and meaningful advice.

North Economics is led by Alain de Bossart, an applied economist with over a decade of experience providing economic consulting services across Europe and North America. 

Alain Portrait 3

Alain de Bossart

Alain is the Managing Director of North Economics. An applied economist, he has worked in economic consulting for over a decade across Europe and North America. Alain holds a MSc Economics from University College London.  

Alain has provided consulting services for clients across industries including real assets, financial services and retail & leisure. He has provided advice for an array of corporate purposes including business strategy, public policy, regulatory engagement and commercial disputes. He has contributed to important national and international issues, billion-dollar commercial disputes and core business operations of multinational corporations. 

Alain lives in the Canadian Rocky mountains with his wife and dog.